Yesterday was the hardest day of my life to date.
Yesterday, my parents and I said goodbye to my little brother. He was our "furchild", my only "sibling", the reason my dad is still alive today, and a member of the family. Kayle-Boy gave us 17 years of joy, frisky playfulness, happiness and laughter. He was a champion snuggler, a loud snorer, a chewer of socks, lover of hot dogs, and protector of everything in his realm.
As he got up in years, he slowed down, little by little. It was harder to get his attention as his hearing went. He ran into things a bit more as his eyesight waned (it was never good, we teasingly called him Mr Magoo on many occasions), and soon he couldn't "dance" for treats anymore. That was ok, he still got treats, because he was our boy. We started noticing these growths appearing on him. Assuming it was old age, we didn't worry until one got quite large. Dad took him to have it removed, where the bomb dropped - the big C.
Our boy had cancer.
They didn't think he would make it through the surgery, but he did. We were blessed with about 3 more months of having him in our lives. Over the last two weeks, the cancer has taken over. Our boy, best friend, brother, was in pain every moment he was awake. He had pain pills, but they couldn't take it all away. Yesterday, we gathered as a family, broken in many ways, heartbroken together, and loved on him until the end.
I have tears in my eyes writing this - and here I thought I was all cried out. Kayle-Boy will always be in my heart, and while I honestly don't know if animals go to Heaven, I have prayed fervently that they do. I need to believe he is there, whole again, running and barking and having the time of his life in the fields of Heaven.
Goodbye little brother - you are loved so so very much.

Yesterday, my parents and I said goodbye to my little brother. He was our "furchild", my only "sibling", the reason my dad is still alive today, and a member of the family. Kayle-Boy gave us 17 years of joy, frisky playfulness, happiness and laughter. He was a champion snuggler, a loud snorer, a chewer of socks, lover of hot dogs, and protector of everything in his realm.
As he got up in years, he slowed down, little by little. It was harder to get his attention as his hearing went. He ran into things a bit more as his eyesight waned (it was never good, we teasingly called him Mr Magoo on many occasions), and soon he couldn't "dance" for treats anymore. That was ok, he still got treats, because he was our boy. We started noticing these growths appearing on him. Assuming it was old age, we didn't worry until one got quite large. Dad took him to have it removed, where the bomb dropped - the big C.
Our boy had cancer.
They didn't think he would make it through the surgery, but he did. We were blessed with about 3 more months of having him in our lives. Over the last two weeks, the cancer has taken over. Our boy, best friend, brother, was in pain every moment he was awake. He had pain pills, but they couldn't take it all away. Yesterday, we gathered as a family, broken in many ways, heartbroken together, and loved on him until the end.
I have tears in my eyes writing this - and here I thought I was all cried out. Kayle-Boy will always be in my heart, and while I honestly don't know if animals go to Heaven, I have prayed fervently that they do. I need to believe he is there, whole again, running and barking and having the time of his life in the fields of Heaven.
Goodbye little brother - you are loved so so very much.