On Wednesday, one of my best friends in the world, Rachel stopped by my house, because she wanted to give me my birthday present. My birthday was in November, but she and I have a hard time getting together because of our schedules, so....plus neither of us care if things are late, or if we're late...yanno how it is.
Anyway, Rachel is One Of Us...as in she's Crafty with a capital C. She makes random mobiles, scrapbooks, embrioders...probably more that I can't think of right now. So, I was given some of the crafty Awesome that drops from her fingers....this time in the form of embriodered pillow cases!
Nothing frilly here, this girl knows me heart and soul. Pillowcase #1 is all rock n roll, and has a COWBELL! If you don't understand the significance of a cowbell, please turn on your speakers, and click here.
Pillowcase #2 is all cars, fast cars, race cars, cars spitting flames...cccaaarrrrsssss.

How cool is THAT?

Close up of her incredibly neat handwork. I've tried embriodery, but...wow...mine is garbage compared to this!

color changing thread on the flames, and lips! Random, but that makes me love them even more :)

And finally, the artwork. This is by a local artist, Kim Berggren, and I absolutely adore it. If it looks familiar, that's because for Mother's Day last year, Matt and Little M gave me a mermaid one last year. I just love the style, and the emotion that these paintings evoke and exude. Starting to think I might begin a small art collection of her work!

Anyway, Rachel is One Of Us...as in she's Crafty with a capital C. She makes random mobiles, scrapbooks, embrioders...probably more that I can't think of right now. So, I was given some of the crafty Awesome that drops from her fingers....this time in the form of embriodered pillow cases!
Nothing frilly here, this girl knows me heart and soul. Pillowcase #1 is all rock n roll, and has a COWBELL! If you don't understand the significance of a cowbell, please turn on your speakers, and click here.
Pillowcase #2 is all cars, fast cars, race cars, cars spitting flames...cccaaarrrrsssss.
How cool is THAT?
Close up of her incredibly neat handwork. I've tried embriodery, but...wow...mine is garbage compared to this!
color changing thread on the flames, and lips! Random, but that makes me love them even more :)
And finally, the artwork. This is by a local artist, Kim Berggren, and I absolutely adore it. If it looks familiar, that's because for Mother's Day last year, Matt and Little M gave me a mermaid one last year. I just love the style, and the emotion that these paintings evoke and exude. Starting to think I might begin a small art collection of her work!
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