Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Fashion Post

Having nothing to do with anything except the fun that is fashion, I give you...

Today's Outfit!
I went vintage, and I love all the color and how pretty I feel. I've been doing this about once a week, but I really need to do it more often, it's not much effort (except curling my hair, which rarely happens anymore) and it looks polished. At least, in my opinion :)

My super awesome, like new thrifted shoes:


My poufy, curled hair:

My like new thrifted cardigan along with the rest of the outfit:


You guys, this cherry red cardigan? Is cotton and silk! I scored this for $2.25 on Sunday. SERIOUSLY. I love my Salvation Army. They had a treasure trove of cardigans, but I was thoughtful, tried them all on and just went with my two favorites for now. I'll amass more as time goes on, but I'm so happy with the ones I got!

I haven't been exercising lately, aside from little bouts of strength moves in the bathroom at work, and here's why:


I've been sewing!! The top picture of a mass of yellow is destined to be a full, poufy 50's petticoat to go under the big green skirt for the opening Timbers game next Monday (and all game days after that, but it will debut on Monday). The Star Trek shirt used to be a onsie for my little nephew, but he outgrew the length of it, so my sister in law asked me to convert it. Easiest clothing conversion ever! Took about an hour, with interruptions.

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