Saturday, November 23, 2013

Dear 16 Year Old Self...

List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could.

  1. That crazy boy you hang out with? Keep it up.
  2. Have a Plan B, and C, for life. Things always change, be ready for it.
  3. Stop procrastinating - there is no other time in your life that you could feasibly spend 6 months studying in another country. FOR GOD'S SAKE, APPLY!! (one of my only regrets in life)
  4. Don't get that Dharma and Greg haircut. No really - that's not a good choice.
  5. Think before you act - do you really want to leave your sweet vet office gig for a grocery store?
  6. Mountain Dew does not a meal make. It is, however, quite delicious and I can see where you'd make that mistake.
  7. You're beautiful.
  8. Those people hanging around with you? They're beautiful too - tell them. They need to hear it, and know that you mean it.
  9. Tell the truth. Lying is too much work.
  10. Seriously, don't do the Dharma.

Question 4 of "30 Things My Child Should Know About Me"


  1. LOVE this. The Dharma one made me burst out laughing! And man are you right about Mountain Dew! Great post! :)-Ashley

    1. Thanks Ashley! The boyfriend at the time even tried to warn me about the haircut, but noooooooo I had to go and be stubborn! LOL


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