5 Things That Make Me Happy
What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now?
- The way my daughter pops up from whatever she's doing to run and welcome me home with an exuberant hug and words of love.
- The blessing that is being able to work with a good friend in a position that is well-suited to me, in an organization that values each of us as people.
- Waking up every day next to the love of my life.
- Seeing the incredible young woman my daughter is turning into, and the depth of her kindness, personality, intelligence and wit.
- How close Christmas is!!
What are 5 things that make YOU happy right now?
Question 5 from 30 Things My Child Should Know About Me

Hi! I'm in your SITS tribe! Just stalking your blog a little bit! :) I love the things that make you happy, so well rounded!!!