In case you missed it, yesterday I announced the launch of Portland Sirens! Please check it out if you're needing a Valentine's Day gift for your partner, or a little self-love :)
List 20 random facts about yourself.
- I love butter
- Small things in life excite me
- I could drink tea for every drink for the rest of my life
- I'm allergic to things made mostly of water, such as celery
- I have always love to go FAST, whether in a car, on a ride, or on foot
- Gadgets make me happy
- I often feel I was born in the wrong decade
- I'm not a strong swimmer, the deep end sometimes triggers panic attacks
- I have regular, vivid dreams. Nearly all are disturbing.
- Sometimes a sick day can be the best thing for a weary soul
- For me, reading a good book, a truly good, well-written book, is just as good as spending an uninterrupted day with my best friend.
- I am one of those people who drinks alcohol because I actually like the taste of it. If I don't like a drink, I can't finish it, my gag reflex kicks in.
- I consider my mom one of my best friends now, and I'm horribly sorry for the way I behaved when I think of my teenage years.
- Changing the sheets on the bed is one of my least favorite chores.
- De-cluttering my closet and cleaning out clothing that no longer fits is one of my favorite chores.
- I'm not very domestic, in the sense of cooking and keeping house...but I sure wish I was.
- One day, I will have my own photography studio, outside our home.
- Raising a child is the hardest, most frustrating, fulfilling and amazing adventure I have ever been on.
- I worry constantly, about everything. I wish I could stop.
- I am so incredibly proud of you, my daughter. You may never know the depth of my love for you, and how proud I am of the young lady you are becoming, but I will continue to tell you over and over, in the hopes you will one day believe me.
This is Question 1 from 30 Things My Kids Should Know About Me.

Congratulations on your new venture! It sounds fantastic!
ReplyDeleteI HATE going fast in everything! I'm too scared! I'm impressed that you are a speed demon!